On the occasion of the most recent visit of our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, he extended a hand of invitation and said “Come Follow Me and Help Us Build up the Church”.
Brother Knights we can best respond to the call of our Holy Father by asking new men to join our ranks as Knights and by bringing and keeping Catholic men and their families close to the Church.
My Brother Knights, I have had the honor of serving as your State Deputy for the last one and on-half years. It has been very time consuming. As a result I have had limited time for my personal recruitment. However, I wanted to share with you that I am closing in on the “one thousand level of membership recruitment”. To date no one in the order has achieved this plateau. Given the Form 100’s I have in process, I need to recruit about 25 more members. You can help. If you know of a Catholic man that may be a prospect simply give me a call or send an e-mail with the name and phone number and I will take it from there. It may be a family member, a friend from an association, a man from work or someone you met at work. Please give this request a few minutes and contact me with your prospect.
Fraternally Grateful
Wally N. Streit
State Deputy