Community activities:
The Community Activities Service Program provides support to the community at large via various council projects. Some suggestions from the Supreme Council include activities regarding pro-life, volunteerism, human needs, public safety, environment, and health services. The Community Activities Director currently has the largest portfolio of events in Fr. Bonner Council. Historically, Fr. Bonner Council’s church activities program has included the following:
- Basketball free-throw competition — This is a State-wide program held every year from January through March. This program gives young people a chance to demonstrate their basketball skills in fun and exciting competition. Duties include booking gym time at local schools and hosting the event.
- Marian Centre visits — Approximately every three months, Fr. Bonner Council sends a contingent of 7–9 people to prepare and serve food to the inner-city poor on a Saturday morning. The event chairman maintains a pool of at least 15 potential volunteers to call upon to fulfill the required volunteer positions for each visit.
- Parish Pasta Dinner — Fr. Bonner Council hosts an annual pasta night on behalf of the parish. The event chairman requires 4–6 assistants to help plan the event, plus a contingent of 20+ people on the day of the event to set up the Parish Hall, prepare and serve food, and clean up.
- Parish Picnic — Each June, the Knights help to host the annual Parish Picnic and BBQ. The event chairman needs 4–6 assistants for event planning, plus a larger contingent to run the event.
- Pro-life advocate — This committee monitors and promotes pro-life activities within the archdiocese and makes recommendations to Council as needed.
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul — This Catholic Society’s purpose is to provide direct aid to those who suffer and to help individuals reduce and even eliminate the causes of their suffering on their own. Society members use their own resources, sharing not only possessions, but also the valuable gift of their presence. Several of our Council members are Society members and report to the council and request assistance or volunteers as required. Activities include visitations to the residences of the needy, and pick-up and delivery of donations.
- Senior’s dinner — This annual, pre-Christmas celebration is held the first weekend in December in the Parish Hall. The committee hosts a turkey dinner for seniors in the area. Four to six committee members are required to assist the event chairman. A contingent of 20+ people is needed on the day of the event to set up the hall, prepare and serve food, and clean up.
- Thanksgiving hamper delivery — Each year, Fr. Bonner Council purchases Thanksgiving hampers for approximately six families in need. Three to five assistants are required to purchase the food, prepare the hampers, and deliver them. The Chairman of this committee receives names of needy families from either the parish office, the St. Vincent De Paul Society, or Catholic Social Services.
- Christmas hamper delivery — This is a city-wide event organized by Catholic Social Services. The Knights of Columbus primarily provide manpower on delivery day by delivering parcels, or assisting with the loading of parcels into the vehicles of volunteer drivers. This event is often run not only by the Knights, but also by their families and friends.
For more information, please contact the Community Activities Director.