Grand Knight’s message — January 2015
Brother Knights, Ladies, and families,
A new year, a new beginning, is here! Happy New Year!
We so often look at the new year as a time for resolutions. There’s something about taking down the 2014 calendar and hanging up the new 2015 calendar that invites us to look for ways to improve — so we resolve to do better in our lives. But unless we have support in achieving our goals, follow-up and follow-through can be elusive and our New Year’s resolutions can end up like the year-long gym membership we signed up for… that gets forgotten after just a few weeks and falls by the wayside. The goals were of good intention, but perhaps too ambitious, too much to handle. This is what happens when we try to do it alone.
The support that we truly need to achieve our goal of doing better every day comes from our Father. He knows what we truly need and He provides it plentifully; our trouble comes from not taking up God on His generous offer. So let us pray to God and ask that he open our eyes and ears and hearts to see His support for our goal to do better… not just at the beginning of each new year, but at the dawn of each new day. Let us not forget also that God’s support for each and every one of us comes also from our brothers and sisters. To me, this means two things: First, that we have to be more open not only to accepting gifts from others, but also being open to asking for help from others. Second, we need to ask ourselves what we can give of ourselves — our time, talents, and treasure. How can I help others? How can I contribute?
Brothers, over the course of the last year, we have had a lot of changes and turnover in the leadership of our Council. If we as a Council are to continue to grow in our service to others — Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism — then your help is needed now. I need each and every one of you to reflect on what you might be able to contribute. I need Brother Knights to step up into positions of leadership. There are events and programs that we simply cannot run and will not be able to run this Columbian Year because we are short of people who can take charge. Don’t forget, you as a leader does not mean you do it alone. Those who have led these programs in the past are going to be the first to step up to offer their help … you need only ask.
May God continue to bless you and your families throughout 2015!
Fraternally yours,
Bro. Jeremy Sit
Grand Knight