As we near the end of this Fraternal Year, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people that contributed in any manner during the year. You are the reason for our success. I appreciate the countless hours of your volunteer work whether serving as an Officer, Chairman, Director, or volunteering or attending events. Thank you to all the people that worked in the background to make our meetings and events a success. This includes the set –up and clean-up crews, the bartenders, cooks, servers, dishwashers, etc.
Although we are a Catholic Mens’ Fraternal organization, I would also like to
take this opportunity to give a great big thank you to our lady volunteers who
provide such a valuable contribution to our council and the Knights of Columbus
in general.
Please plan to attend our Council meeting at 7:30 pm on June 11, 2013, beginning with Mass at 7:00 pm. Also this meeting is our election of officers for the Columbian year 2013-2014.
We will need Brothers to assist as an Adult Server, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers. Please assist in any of these roles if you can.
This year our year end celebration of our accomplishments will be held on Saturday June 15, 2013 at the Parish Hall, after the 5:00 pm Mass. This is also the night that the new officers will be inducted.
I would like to send a special invitation to members who don’t frequently visit our Council or Council sponsored events. It is a great opportunity to meet your fellow Brother Knights in a comfortable and friendly environment.
Have a good summer Brother Knights and families.
Vivat Jesus,
Morris Baraniecki
Grand Knight