Grand Knight’s message — September 2014
Brother Knights,
I heartily welcome you to a new year! It sure seems like the year always begins in September, with school starting, and so many other activities following the same schedule. We have an exciting Columbian Year ahead.
As Grand Knight, one of my main goals is to get each one of our Council members more engaged and more involved. With 400+ members, Fr. Bonner Council is one of the largest in the AB/NWT State jurisdiction. When you take the number 400 and multiply it by an average of just a few hours, you get a huge number of volunteer person-hours. When you take 400 and multiply by an average of just a few dollars, you can achieve an impactful amount in monetary donation. Look at the sheer strength in numbers with which our Council is blessed. Let’s make good use of this to do God’s work.
Let me turn the question around — What can I do to help you get more involved?
Brothers, in the spirit of stewardship, we should constantly ask ourselves what we can we do with our time, talents, and treasure — blessings that God has bestowed on us. How can we better love our neighbours, as Jesus charged us to do?
Fraternally yours,
Bro. Jeremy Sit
Grand Knight