Spring is here, and so is Easter. Which is most important to you? As practical Catholics, the answer should be Easter, as we celebrate our Risen Lord.
The Charities Appeal campaign has now concluded. My thanks to the team leaders, Paul Liber, Ken Shivak and Wally Streit. Thanks also to each of you who participated in any way, from selling to your friends, buying tickets yourselves and helping in the malls. We set a record for Alberta/NWT due to the tremendous effort of so many members, and we should all be proud. It just shows what can be accomplished when we work together as a team.
The annual Alberta/NWT convention will be held later this month. Both Deputy Grand Knight Morris Barianecki and I will be attending with the hopes of gaining new ideas for fundraising.
If you are asked to take on a director position or an executive position, please give it serious thought. We will soon be electing our new executive for the coming Columbian Year. We need fresh ideas and this is your chance to make a difference.
Thanks to those who worked the Membership drive, and welcome to our new brothers. As this is being written, six men have joined our Council and there are several more awaiting first degree exemplification. Lets all make the new members welcome to our Order.
I wish you and your families a blessed Easter season.
Vivat Jesus
Al Girard, Grand Knight