On behalf of the executive it is my pleasure to extend Fraternal Greetings for the 2012-2013 Columbian year. I anticipate this Columbian year will be filled with much success and fulfillment.
This year we will continue to focus our efforts with Brother Knights on providing as many social functions as possible for our parish and community. As in the previous years the Council committees, volunteers and members at large make every effort to ensure that our various programs and initiatives are a great success. Therefore we need Brother Knights to step up and volunteer to head up the vacant positions on the committees.
I have had the great honour since I joined Father Bonner Council to get to know many of the Brother Knights who regularly attend general meetings and attend Council functions but I also realize by looking at the Council roster that there are a great many Brother Knights that I have not had the pleasure to meet. You remain a very crucial part of our Council. The executive and I would love to see you at our meetings to renew old acquaintances and hopefully make some new ones.
Morris Baraniecki
Grand Knight
Vivat Jesus