As we close out August and begin another Columbian year in September, I hope that everyone had a safe and enjoyable summer.
Our council continues to grow in many ways and all of you are part of that in one way or another. As we think back about the past year and look forward to our new Columbian year, we need to focus on charity besides our other good works. Our mission as Knights is in support of our parish, community and each other.
We are delighted to welcome and congratulate these new brothers to Father Bonner Council: Faddi Hammal, Chris Hong, and Mike Oshvalda. These brothers completed their 1st Degree exemplification in August 2013. We highly encourage their enthusiasm and participation where their talents can shine and hope they make their every effort to complete their 2nd and 3rd degree. Thank you to Brother Wally for bringing these brothers to our Council. Also it is our pleasure to welcome existing members who are transferring to our Council. Please welcome Brother Ian Doktor, and Brother Bobby Capinpin.
Please plan to attend our Council meeting at 7:30 pm on Sept. 10th beginning with Mass at 7:00 pm. We will need Brothers to assist as an Adult Server, Readers and Extraordinary Ministers. Please assist in any of these roles if you can.
God Bless
Morris Baraniecki
Grand Knight