Thank you to all the volunteers who assisted with the Pasta Dinner and Dance.
Real and Blandine Demers along with the help of their friend Esther, Pat and Evelyn McQuaid, Klaus Klein, Jeanette Liber, Wayne Lemming, Murray Yaschuk and Rose Lorenz ably prepared the delicious food on Friday and Saturday. There were two set up crews, one in the morning and one in the afternoon - Marion Hrynew, Brian Turnbull, Dennis Bourgeault, Lou Normand, Hilda and Paolo Festa-Bianchet and Daryl Fenrich. Al Girard and Flavian Barlage came both times. Waiting on tables was efficiently handled with big friendly smiles by Edith and Morris Baraneicki, Mary and Robert Tomusiak, Rose and Ken Vincent, and Jason Kalapurakal. Elizabeth and Jennifer Hughes also assisted both with the serving and clean-up. The most fun was in the dish-pit where Christopher Hong, John Johnson, Steve Hughes, Jack Leroux, John Murphy, Jeremy Sit and of course Real and Jeanette worked hard to wash up the dishes. Many were involved in putting the dishes away and cleaning the kitchen. The “piñata bashing” was so much fun for the children!!! The Wehage family all assisted Dave Wehage with making sure that each child had a safe turn. Wine and Beer were sold by Paul Liber, John and James Lemiski. A special thanks to Al Girard who assisted with ticket sales and getting door prizes. Thanks to Father Andrew for saying Grace and to Grand Knight Paul Liber for being emcee.
We cannot thank Real and Blandine enough for all their initiative and hard work for this function. They were involved with everything from buying the food to the final washing of the floor.
My biggest thanks has to go to Rose who had to assume the “overseeing” of this function as I was unable to do it.
Arnold Lorenz; February 2014